22 July 2005

After a night in town, with Jack Daniels

On nights like this Death cannot come too soon
as I lay awake, on my bed, in my room

and hours fall on me like drops of rain from a leaking ceiling
they quickly form a pond, around me first,
eventualy inside me, a deep well of bitter water

When I wake up, the neighbours' grand oak tree has been blown off its roots
Taking with it half the garden fence, some of the roof
and the new concrete garage - now reduced to rubble

Atop my own roof my grandfather's weathervane
spins wildly and triumphant
having conjured up a storm

How much my life has changed since I met you

20 July 2005

Corte una rosa

Corte una rosa - la que mas queria
la de mas color, la que mas brillaba
corte la rosa que mas me importaba
y fue porque la sabia ya perdida

Corte la rosa que perdia la vida
y la entregue a la mujer que amaba
senti en mis manos que suave temblaba
mi roja rosa de mi se despedia

Hoy mi jardin brilla bajo la luna
mientras mi amada a mi lado yace
y yo despierto recuerdo a mi rosa

Cuando al fin duermo, mi buena fortuna
me regala otra, que en el jardin nace:
una nueva vida aun mas hermosa.


I cut a rose, the one I loved the most
The one most colourful and bright
I cut the rose that to me most mattered
and it was because I knew it to be already lost

I cut the rose that was losing its life
and gave it to the woman I loved
I felt it tremble in my hands
My red rose saying farewell to me

Now my garden shines under the moon
while my beloved lies by my side
and I, awake, remember my rose

When at last I sleep, my good fortune
gifts me with another one, born in the garden:
a new life, yet all the more beautiful.

14 July 2005

Romantica cantata - 20 anhos despues

Mi coraza es mi corazon
que es al mismo tiempo
mi casa
mi ventana
mi puerta
y mi cancion


My armour is my heart
which is at the same time
my house
my window
my door
and my song

(w. 1985)