28 June 2010

The Curator

Originally uploaded by cocosolis
I gather things to build a universe
a single entity from pieces so diverse
I give my eyes to those who will give theirs -
Poor executor to unsuspecting heirs

My heart is set on that elusive glory
that comes from working out a story -
From giving out what others want to borrow
and know it won't be coming back tomorrow

27 June 2010

Tesco Extra, Whittington Moor

Tesco light trails
Originally uploaded by jononon
The megastore, on stilts of steel,
resembles a rainforest house.
Inside, I am a kitchen mouse
hunting for his evening meal.

15 June 2010


Picture 078
Originally uploaded by cocosolis
No es cierto que solo la lujuria
Nos une cuando todo ha fracasado
Nos une el vuelo peregrino del pasado
El recuerdo de abundancias y penurias.